State Poverty Action Network update on 2021 Washington State Budget

Senate and House Released their State Budget Proposals!
Before the beginning of session, Governor Inslee proposed a bold and equitable state budget to ensure racial and economic justice beyond recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Late last week the Senate and House each released their proposals for the 2021-2023 state budget and we are THRILLED to see significant investments we have all been pushing for FOR YEARS!:
Both the Senate and House proposed fully funding the Working Families Tax Credit (WFTC), an annual direct cash rebate of $500-$950 for eligible low-income families.
The Senate proposed a 15% increase to the TANF grant, which would provide a family of three an additional $85 every month.
The House proposed a 10% increase plus an $80 monthly diaper benefit for families with children under three years old.
The Senate added $100,000 for a Dental Therapy Task Force to develop strategies for authorizing Dental Therapy statewide.
The Senate added $205 million for the Housing Trust Fund, which is our state’s primary fund for building affordable housing. The House proposed adding $148.9 million.
The Senate proposed adding $104.1 million for Housing and Essential Needs (HEN) to help adults with disabilities afford rent. The House proposed $130.6 million!
The Senate added $300 million for the WA Immigrant Relief Fund to provide a cash benefit to immigrants impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic who were ineligible for federal stimulus payments or unemployment benefits due to their immigration status. The House went further and proposed $340 million for the WA Immigrant Relief Fund.
Both the House and Senate proposed funding to increase the childcare subsidy and expand income eligibility for greater access to quality childcare.
The House included additional funding for temporary and one-time cash assistance to low-income families and those experiencing economic hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Both chambers included funding for a study on Universal Basic Income to assess the economic impact and benefits of providing a baseline of financial support to Washingtonians.
Thank you for giving your time and sharing your stories so that lawmakers know who they represent and what the community truly needs!
What’s next?By April 25, the last day of this year’s legislative session, the House and Senate must agree on and pass a state budget to be signed by Governor Inslee in May to go into effect July 1.
?Send a message to your lawmakers thanking them for prioritizing the needs of low-income Washingtonians in our economic recovery from COVID-19 and urge them to protect these investments during budget negotiations!
For updates through the rest of session, follow our online bill tracker.
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Statewide Poverty Action Network
1501 N 45th Street
Seattle, WA 98103
United States
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Contact Info:Statewide Poverty Action Network
1501 N 45th Street
Seattle, WA 98103
United States

Above post is an e-mail from the Statewide Poverty Action Network sent out to supporters.

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